Nisha’s Mumbai: Nisha JamVwal Writes About Finding True Bliss At Shreans Daga’s Meditation Resort

by rajtamil
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I’ve often ruminated about what must happiness in the true sense be!? When am I my happiest and what brings us our sense of true joy!? And while I’ve lived many happy moments through a multi-hued life I found true bliss at Pyramid Valley. Because it intertwines inner peace (Master Ugway style — reference Kung Fu Panda) with all the trappings of physical and material comforts. And yes let’s not forget delectable cuisine.

It was a much needed hiatus from the Madding Crowd. Especially when I found that last month that a few cherished friends and loved ones were dropping off the face of this earth in quick and painful succession. To say it was a challenging time would be an understatement. And so when the founder (yes you’ve met him here in this column briefly) Shreans Daga announced this five day stay at his own meditation resort a short distance by road from Bangalore I readily availed the opportunity with a mix of curiosity and adventure.

The meditation resort turned out to be a stunning and magical oasis of waterfalls, pools, lakes, hills, bridges and a magnificent pyramid rising tall in between lush green trees and surrounded by kaleidoscopic flowers . It is an idyllic jungle with parks for acres around that Pyramid structure that defines the valley. I chose not to jump onto the golf carts from my room to whatever venue — be it the dining area or meditation gardens — because the ambience and numerous meditations enlivened me as did the fragrant nature trails around.

Pyramid Valley International had been magical and therapeutic in the prayer, reflection and meditation it offered in luxurious surroundings and delectable cuisines.

The setting for the day's meditation was the mammoth pyramid. Inside where around a hundred over-enthusiastic aspirants trying to elevate their material existence by learning the ropes of transcending the mundane and achieving spiritual bliss. My heart was aglow and smiling because of the sheer beauty of nature and the myriad experiences. If anything is needed, I shared with Shreans, it is a few deer that would so enliven the jungle surroundings and add to the enchantment. He appreciated the idea and I hope he remembers it.

The takeaway from the master classes and the discourses were elevating. The one thought that reverberates in the mind ,after a stay at the Shreans Daga meditation retreat — is the transience of all things. Even our body that we call ‘I’ is a temporary residence for the real self -the soul. Life's purpose is about the alignment of our vibration to a higher state, brought about by meditation and a constant endeavour towards right thinking and right path as Buddha propounded and universally acknowledged.

We are all human but we must aspire to the divinity that is within each of us. And respecting this divinity we may not be judgemental. If anything, we would be better if in understanding that each of us is on the path of evolution, ahead or behind, but that is the final destination, and meditation is the greatest manner to travel the path. I learnt at Pyramid Valley that we need not be somber or serious because life is meant for happiness and life has to be mometamorphosed through light-heartedness and laughter. You don't need to be a hermit in the Himalayas, because what you seek is not out there somewhere, it is within you. You are the creator of your life- make your choices and take your course there!

The elevated azure jewel pool in the centre of it all was the piece de resistance and the sheer luxury of this haven was a part of the bliss of the experience. I do believe that you don’t need to go through hardship to find inner peace!?

Takes a visionary to create this haven.

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