5 super quick cardio exercises to burn maximum calories

NEW DELHI: Cardiovascular exercises are excellent for burning calories and improving overall fitness. If you're short on time but still want an effective workout, these five exercises will get your heart pumping and calories burning quickly.

Jump Rope (Skipping)

Jumping rope is a high-intensity exercise that engages your entire body, particularly targeting your calves, thighs, and shoulders. It's incredibly efficient for calorie burning because it combines cardio and resistance training. Aim for intervals of 1-2 minutes and gradually increase as you build stamina.

High Knees

High knees are a dynamic exercise that elevates your heart rate rapidly. Stand in place and lift each knee as high as possible, alternating quickly between legs. Engage your core to maximize calorie burn and maintain a steady pace.


Burpees are a full-body exercise that combines squats, push-ups and jumps in one fluid motion. Start in a standing position, drop into a squat, kick your feet back into a plank, perform a push-up, jump your feet back to the squat position, and then explode upward into a jump.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are excellent for cardio and core strength. Begin in a plank position, then quickly alternate bringing each knee towards your chest in a running motion. Keep your hips low and maintain a steady pace to maximize calorie burn.

Squat Jumps

Squat jumps are powerful for lower body strength and cardiovascular health. Start with a squat, then explode upwards into a jump as high as you can manage. Land softly back into the squat position and repeat without pausing to keep your heart rate elevated.

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