Kubric, Doctor Dolly, and Golden Thunder catch the eye

Kubric, Doctor Dolly, and Golden Thunder catch the eye

Kubric, Doctor Dolly, and Golden Thunder caught the eye when the horses were exercised here on Sunday (July 21) morning.

Sand track:

600m: Falsetto (app) 39. Easy.

800m: Miss American Pie (Parmar) 53, 600/40. Moved freely. Fiery Red (S. Kamble) 50, 600/37. Slightly urged. Siege Courageous (Vivek G) 53, 600/39. Moved fluently. In Thy Light (Akshay Kumar) 53, 600/39. Worked well. Bubbly Boy (S.J. Sunil) 55, 600/41. Easy. Chopin (Neeraj) 56, 600/42. Easy. Star Prosperity (Peter), Eaton Square (S.J. Sunil) 56, 600/41. Pair level. Art Collector (T.S. Jodha) 51, 600/38. Good work. Swarovski (Bhawani) 54, 600/40. Moved freely. Galloping Ahead (T.S. Jodha) 52, 600/38. Urged. Equilateral (app), Baleno (Bhawani) 53, 600/39. They were pushed and the former finished one length ahead. Seeking Alpha (C. Umesh) 54, 600/40. Good. Vincero (Chouhan) 52, 600/39. Worked well. Ariyana Star (T.S. Jodha) 52, 600/39. Moved well. Uzi (P. Vinod) 52, 600/39. Pressed. Storm (app) 54, 600/40. Moved fluently. Juliette (Bhawani) 55, 600/41. Easy. Balthazaar (app) 53, 600/39. Worked freely. Paladin (Atul) 54, 600/40. Pushed. Kubric (P. Vinod) 49, 600/37. Moved impressively. Julius (Bhawani) 51, 600/38. Urged in the last part. Arkadian (Vivek G), Alacrity (Kirtish) 52, 600/39. They moved neck and neck freely.

1000m: Doctor Dolly (Sandesh) 1-5, 800.51, 600/39. Impressed. Hall Of Grace (Nirmal) 1-6, 800/51, 600/37. Urged. Thalassa (Sandesh) 1-6, 800/52, 600/39. Responded well. Fontana (Vivek G) 1-11, 600/42. Easy. Bashir (Bhawani), The General (Atul) 1-6, 800/52, 600/39. Former was three lengths superior. Ricochet (P. Vinod) 1-8, 800/53, 600/40. Moved comfortably. Freedom (Hamir) 1-9, 600/42. Easy.

1200m: Disciplined (Neeraj), Vincent Van Gogh (Santosh) 1-22, 1000/1-7, 800/52, 600/39. Former made up four lengths and they finished level freely. Golden Thunder (Antony Raj), Aries (Bhawani) 1-22, 1000/1-6, 800/52, 600/39. Former, who is in good shape finished two lengths ahead. Villanelle (C. Umesh), Psychic Star (Vivek G) 1-23, 1000/1-8, 800/53, 600/40. Both moved neck and neck freely. Evaldo (Akshay Kumar) 1-22, 1000/1-7, 800/52, 600/39. Responded well. Zuccaro (Kirtish) 1-25, 1000/1-9, 800/54, 600/41. Slightly urged. Fiorentini (Bhawani) 1-22, 1000/1-7, 800/52, 600/40. Pressed. Attaturk (Kirtish), Marcus (C. Umesh) 1-23, 1000/1-8, 800/52, 600/39. They were urged and finished level.

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