Madhya Pradesh Political Punch: One Bride Many Suitors; When BJP MP Jumped For Joy!; Who’s The Real Boss? & More

Message is loud, clear

Politics is the name of the game in that a political party must convey a proper message to the opponents as well as to the party men. The BJP’s bosses in Delhi have aptly used this skill to silence some leaders of their Madhya Pradesh unit. A few leaders opened a front against the government. When the central leadership came to know of it, they appointed the Chief Minister as observer in Haryana to send out a strong message to the dissenters that the party was solidly behind the state government. By appointing him as observer together with the most powerful leader of the party, the central leadership not only raised the Chief Minister’s status but also rightly used the caste factors in Haryana. The central leadership told the state unit to convey it to the dissidents that they should remain within the party line. The leadership’s strong message had quietened the dissenters who appreciated raising their voice against the government but would damage their political career.

Who’s the real boss?

There appears to be a tug-of-war over who is the real boss of an important city. As the city is very important, a senior minister has been made in-charge of it, besides a minister from the same city, wielding a lot of power in state politics, is very influential there. Apart from these two, another minister from the city is very strong; and, because he lives in this city, he plays an important role in the administration. A legislator from this city, being very senior, also commands a lot of respect and power. Yet, the story does not end: an important leader of the ruling party organisation often visits this place, and gets information about the goings-on there. Because the city is associated with many VIPs and VVIPs, the police and the administration remain on tenterhooks. The officials posted in the city have several bosses and receive orders over any issue from different corners. It is heard that they spend half of the time just pleasing the higher-ups.

Madhya Pradesh Political Punch: Up The Creek; Foul Is Fair; Angry With Leadership; Bhai Ho To Aisa… & More

One bride many suitors

A senior leader of the BJP is facing difficulty in coordinating with his supporters. Many leaders from his area are seeking tickets for an assembly by-election. Whenever the important leaders of the area meet him, they only ask for a ticket. A few leaders have recently become powerful, and they are also seeking tickets. Because this senior politician is close to all of them, he is unable to say “no” for a ticket to his supporters. The situation is such that the friends of this leader, who were once working together for him, have become hostile to one another. Because of his influence on the party, the leadership has trust in him, and has asked him to select a candidate for the by-election. The party has told him to make a panel of candidates, that one of them may be given a ticket. This time the situation is such that the seasoned politician is unable to understand whose name should be sent to the party leadership and whose name should be left out.

An ounce of example better than a ton of advice

The maxim that an ounce of example is better than a ton of advice is applicable to a leader of the Congress. This leader was showering words of wisdom on others after the Congress’s humiliating defeat in assembly and parliamentary elections. He has already taken many party men to task through his social media account. Nevertheless, a recent video of his son has quietened this leader who has not made a single post through his social media account on the event. Because he is acquainted with his son’s activities, he has gone into silence and looks worried since the video has become public. On the contrary, those who this leader was giving advice to were happy after the release of the video, but it shocked another Congress leader who generally comes down on the BJP just at the drop of a hat.

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When BJP MP jumped for joy!

The popularity of many BJP leaders was put to test during the party’s recent membership drive. The party leaders pulled out all the stops to achieve the target given by the top bosses for making members. Yet, a senior Member of Parliament failed to reach even the halfway mark, which caused so much embarrassment to him, that many party men plunged into action on the last day of the membership drive to save him from discomfiture. They worked till late in the night and achieved the target. After hitting the bull’s-eye, they called up the MP to inform him about it. And no sooner had he received the call, he jumped for joy. The MP is so senior that he commands a lot of respect and power in state politics. Party men listen to his advice and follow it.

Minister makes officers work

If a minister is full of zip, he can make the officials of his department work. However lazy they may be, they take a crack at achieving the target set by the minister. The same thing has recently happened in a department where the minister asked the officials to prepare an App to dispose of public complaints within a stipulated time. At the outset, the officers advised the minister against launching such an App, saying the department was already overburdened, and if an App to solve public grievances was launched, it would but saddle the department with more millstones. But as the minister stuck to his guns, the officers swung into action, and developed the App to become the first such government wing as has launched an App to get public grievances and solve them. Now, the App has received praises from every corner.

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